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Constituency Review Submission from Cllr Adrian Henchy 

Cllr Adrian Henchy 

Submission ID: S507




Dublin Fingal

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Dear Boundary Commission,

I would like to make the following recommendations regarding the review of Dáil constituencies that is currently underway.

My first point in relation to the boundaries is with regard to my own constituency in Dublin Fingal which is currently a five-seater. This will obviously need to change as the population numbers across all towns and villages in the Fingal constituency have significantly increased and in all likelihood this growth will continue in both the short and medium term future.

The potential numbers here will be close enough to an eight-seat constituency so I would suggest the creation of two four seat constituencies Fingal North and Fingal South. I would appeal that in the event of new designations are given to county boundaries that regard would be given to ensuring that local electoral areas ( LEA’S) would not be spilt as much as possible as we already know the LEA’s will remain the same for the 2024 local elections. This will ensure a focus level of representation for LEA’s at national level which would not be achieved if there is a spilt over two or more constituencies. This will also ensure much more effective public representation. In the event of the boundary commission not using County or Council boundaries that sensible natural local boundaries are used such as rivers, estuaries and motorways there by ensuring there is a clear and logical division between constituencies and not repeating mistakes of the past where ad hoc pockets of areas were spilt or aligned with another constituency despite been disconnected geographically.

I would ask that in the event, of the creation of any new Dail constituency or maintaining an existing constituency that under no circumstances should there be any divide or spilt of the Donabate Portrane or indeed the rural Donabate area which includes townlands such as Kilcrea , Ballamadrough, and Turvey all of these areas are currently totally aligned with Donabate and should remain with Donabate  within the Rush Lusk local electoral area. I would also ask that given the population of the Donabate area is greater if not atleast equal to the Rush and Lusk areas that the name Donabate be added as an equal heading the Rush Lusk LEA. 

Many thanks for taking the time to read my submission, 

Cllr Adrian Henchy 

Rush & Lusk LEA

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