Your vote matters
Every vote counts in referendums and elections.
Voting in referendums and elections gives you an opportunity to be part of decision-making that affects your life and the future of our country.
Your vote is your voice. If you don’t vote, others will make decisions for you.
Being a voter gives you the power to shape the future of our country.
You can vote by registering and checking your details on You will then automatically receive a polling card to your registered home address in advance of the next electoral event you are eligible to vote in. You can make your voice heard by casting your vote on polling day.
Democracy needs you!
Democracy works best if people participate. You can play a role in keeping our Irish democracy strong by registering to vote and getting out on polling day to have your voice heard.
Not voting is giving up your voice
Elections are decided by the people who go out and vote. If you don’t vote, someone else will make the decision for you. Your vote is your voice, make sure you use it.