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Constituency Review Submission from Denis Cahalane

Denis Cahalane

Submission ID: S18




European Constituencies - Dublin, European Constituencies - South, European Constituencies - Midlands-North-West

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European Parliament  Election  2024:  Distribution of 14 seats allocated to Ireland


The two constituencies outside Dublin are large and unwieldy.   Allocation of an extra seat affords an opportunity to reduce the size of constituencies outside Dublin.  I propose increasing the number of constituencies from three to four.

I have looked at the eight regional populations as well as at the county populations.   The national population is: 5.148million.   There are fourteen seats which gives a ration of: 0.368 million per seat.

Insofar as possible, regional configurations should be used in seat allocation.  My proposal does so with three exceptions: Clare, Kilkenny and Longford.

Composition of proposed Constituencies:

Clare and Longford  are added to the Border and West regions to create a three seat constituency.

Kilkenny is added to the Mid East and Midland regions which have lost Longford to create a three seat constituency.

Clare and Kilkenny have been taken from the South East, South West and  Mid West regions to create a four seat constituency.

Outline of Four Constituencies:

Dublin:  4 seats, pop: 1.458m,   pop per seat: 0.365m

Border and West regions plus Longford and Clare: 3 seats, pop: 1.080m,  pop per seat: 0.360m

South East South West Mid West minus Clare and Kilkenny:  4 seats, pop: 1.471m, pop per seat: 0.368m

Mid East and Midland Region plus Kilkenny, minus Longford: 3 seats, pop: 1.139m, pop per seat:0.390m.


The constituencies outside Dublin are more compact. The Mid East and Midland Region has a higher population per seat than the other two constituencies outside Dublin but it is smaller in size.

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