Constituency Review Submission from Deputy Noel Grealish T.D.
Deputy Noel Grealish T.D.
Submission ID: S292
Galway East, Galway West, Roscommon-Galway, Mayo
Under point 1- C of the Commission’s determining criteria it clearly states –
‘the breaching of county boundaries shall be avoided as far as practicable’.
With this in mind, Galway constituencies currently straddle 3 counties…Galway – Mayo –
County Galway has two constituencies – Galway East & Galway West.
Part of county Mayo currently falls within Galway West and a major portion of the East of the county population is currently in the Galway Roscommon constituency.
Projected census figures show a total constituency population for the existing constituencies
to be 251,612 ; that is West = 154,596 & East = 97,016. Final confirmation later this month.
Galway West –
If the existing Mayo population of some 5,000 ( 4,893 in 2017) is returned to Mayo this
reduces the constituency to 149,703 or so. Sufficient to comply with Constitutional rules.
Galway East –
If the 8,650 population of the east of county Galway is returned to Galway East from
Galway Roscommon – to unify the county – and this is added to latest excess of 7,016 shown
in 2022 population, it does increase the combined extra to well over the 90,000 3 seat quota by 15,666. A new total for actual Galway E., then is 105,666 – which indicates an additional seat.
These changes come closest to matching the county population with representation
by the two Galway constituencies – totalling 9 seats…..or approx., 28,000 per seat.
It also unifies Mayo. It especially more accurately respects the county boundaries of
Galway – Mayo – & Roscommon, as per the Commission’s guidelines.