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Constituency Review Submission from John Kirwan

John Kirwan

Submission ID: S402




Dublin South-West, Dublin Mid-West, Dublin Bay South, Dublin South-Central

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Terenure-St James and Walkinstown

There have been repeated requests over the years to move Greenhills Estate from the Dublin South West constituency to its natural home with the rest of Dublin 12 in the Dublin South Central constituency. The population changes in census 2022 now make this possible.

Many submissions have called for the Dublin MW/SW and Dublin SC/BS constituencies to be grouped and any boundary changes to be kept internal to these when reallocating extra Dail seats.

South Dublin County Council Constituencies  Dublin City Council Southside Constituencies  
2022 Dublin South West Population1586352022 Dublin Bay South Population126716
2022 Dublin Mid West Population1304162022 Dublin South Central Population127168
Total DMW & DSW Population289051Total DSC & DBS Population253884
Divided by 10 Divided by 9 
2022 Population per deputy if 10 TDs =289052022 Population per deputy if 9 TDs =28209

As you can see, there is a reasonable population ratio per Deputy across Dublin Mid West, South West, South Central and Bay South in the above table when the changes of seat allocations are kept internal to these.

South Dublin County Council Constituencies  Dublin City Council Southside Constituencies  
2022 Dublin South West Population1586352022 Dublin Bay South Population126716
2022 Dublin Mid West Population1304162022 Dublin South Central Population127168
Total DMW & DSW Population289051Total DSC & DBS Population253884
Minus Terenure-St James2401Plus Terenure-St James2401
 286650 256285
Divided by 10 Divided by 9 
2022 Population per deputy if 10 TDs =286652022 Population per deputy if 9 TDs =28476

However, the distribution is even better balanced if the Terenure-St James ED is moved in with the Dublin City Constituencies for population calculation and seat distribution.

Census 2022 finally provides an opportunity to correct this long-standing division of Greenhills from the rest of Walkinstown and I ask the Electoral Commission to implement this long sought boundary change.

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