Constituency Review Submission from Martin O’ Brien
Martin O’ Brien
Submission ID: S396
Cork North-West, Cork South-West
To whom it may concern,
I am appealing to you to review the border between the Cork North West Constituency and the Cork South West Constituency.
I speak on both my own behalf and members of my family & the local community who are happy for me to speak on their behalf.
I started a Social Media Group on Facebook called Change the Southern Boundary following the general election in 2020 highlighting my dissatisfaction of not knowing the candidates running in our constituency and I received a lot of feedback from constituents from the areas surrounding Dunmanway, Ballineen, Enniskeane & areas north of Bandon who shared the same view but are at a loss as to how to get the issue discussed.
We live in the very Southern part of the Cork North West Constituency and for many years now we feel that we are not part of this constituency as we are not familiar with the representatives running in this constituency.
I personally live in the townland of Nedineagh East, Dunmanway, Co.Cork and would regard myself as a West Cork man through and through. Ironically we vote in the South West Constituency for the local elections but this changes for the general election.
I hope that the Boundary Commission are prepared to take a look at this issue as I firmly believe that this boundary greatly affects the number of people voting in my area.
Perhaps some form of a local debate/survey could be carried out as I believe a lot of my fellow constituents are not aware of the existence of this review body and therefore you are not going to get a fair overview of the feeling of the constituents faced with this issue come election time.
I hope you will take the time to consider what I have proposed and I would appreciate it if you could revert back with your findings.
Kindest Regards,
Martin O’ Brien