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Constituency Review Submission from Michael Ring T.D.

Michael Ring T.D.

Submission ID: S13




Mayo, Galway West

Search submissions

From:    Michael Ring

Sent:      Monday 20 February 2023 14:21

To:         ELC ConstituencyReview

Subject:                Mayo Constituency

A chara,

I write with regard to the review of Dáil constituencies.

I am anxious that an area of South Mayo would revert back to the Constituency of Mayo. 

I believe that the county boundary should not be breached. 

Under the last Constituency review in 2017, a population of 4,893 in South Mayo was retained in

the Galway West constituency.  I am asking that the following areas be returned to within the

Mayo boundary: – Cong, Dalgan, Houndswood, Kilmaine, Neale and Shrule.

I would appreciate your consideration of this request. 

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely,


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