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Constituency Review Submission from Sean Kelly MEP

Sean Kelly MEP

Submission ID: S491




European Constituencies - South, European Constituencies - Midlands-North-West

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In relation to a possible reconfiguration of Constituencies for the European Parliament Elections, I believe Ireland South Constituency should remain as is.  If there are to be changes, I strongly believe that Co. Clare should remain within the Ireland South Constituency, for the following reasons:

  • Clare, historically, culturally, socially and from a sporting perspective associates with Munster and has a lot more in common with Ireland South than with the midlands or the border counties.
  • From a Regional Spatial and Economic Planning perspective, it is part of the Southern Regional Assembly.  Splitting one county away from the remainder of the Assembly makes little sense.
  • Similarly, in terms of the European Regional Development Fund programmes, Clare falls under the Southern and Eastern Regional Operational Programme not the Border, Midland and Western Regional Programme. Again, separating a single county from the remainder of the Programme would seem counterintuitive.
  • With regard to geographic considerations, Clare, Limerick and North Tipperary makes up the Mid-West Region and for tourist promotion, Clare and Limerick form the Shannon region.

Clare is and has always been a part of Munster and Ireland South and for all of the reasons mentioned above and many more, it should remain so.

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