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Thirtieth Amendment of the Constitution (Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union) Bill 2012

Thirtieth Amendment of the Constitution (Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union) Bill 2012.

The Treaty was about strengthening the rules designed to make governments keep a balance between their income and their spending. There were already EU rules about this which applied to Ireland. The Treaty aimed to strengthen these rules and required countries to put some of them into national law. It was not necessary for all EU member states to ratify the Treaty for it to come into effect. If it was ratified by at least 12 euro area countries and if Ireland ratified it, it would apply in full to Ireland as part of the euro area.

The proposal was passed by the people.


You can read the Referendum Commission’s report online or download a PDF copy of the report.