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Your Vote is Your Voice

The referendum proposal on the Marriage Referendum was on whether or not you agreed to put a clause in the constitution which would allow two people to marry each other regardless of their sex.

The Age of Presidential Candidates Referendum was on whether or not you agreed to reduce the age at which a person may be a candidate for the for the office of President, from 35 to 21.

Independent Guide

An Independent Guide was published in booklet form and distributed to all homes in the state. This guide contains a short description of each proposal.

The Commission also published a version of the independent guide for people with an intellectual disability.

1. The Marriage Referendum

Thirty –fourth Amendment of the Constitution (Marriage Equality) Bill 2015. The proposed amendment to the Constitution was put to the people on 22 May 2015.

The proposal was passed by the people.

2. The Age of the Presidential candidates Referendum

Thirty-fifth Amendment of the Constitution (Age of Eligibility for Election to the Office of President) Bill 2015. The proposed amendment to the Constitution was put to the people on 22 May 2015.

The proposal was rejected by the people.

The Report

You can read the Referendum Commission’s report online or download a PDF copy of the report.